Nrensis suggested to call the desease – tularemia. Tularemia has been recorded everywhere in North America, in Japan, in different countries of Europe, in Asia and in Africa. The desease is mainly spread in the landscapes of Northernone. hemisphere's temperature climatic zone. Natural breeding ground of Tularemia is confirmed also in the area of Republic of Armenia /90%/.
To form the areas of epozootic risk according to the prevalence and density of main carrier and distribution areas of the transmitter, for the assessment of the occurance risk of the special dangerous infections.
We have made current and looking-back epidemiological analysis of the deseases with tularemia during 1996-2012 in Shirak region. We use /GIS/ geographical informatioprogramnal system's Arc View GIS 10.0 and Qvantum GIS computer options .
Shirak region is included in the geography of Transcaucasion highland plague, tularemia and other special dangerous infections' active natural hotbeds. Gyumri's hotbed's geographical location, climatic conditions and the specific landscape type create favourable conditions for rodents' – ordinary field mouse's and main transmitter's - icsodic tick's survival and repreduction. From 327 types of rodents existing in the area of RA, more than 17 types meet in the area of Gumri's hotbed, in connection with these rodents' ecology there are near 20 types of icsodic and more than 40 gamazic ticks.
Shirak region, in this respect, is considered to be risky area, as epizotia's frequency is high. In the hotbed density o5 years – during last f the main holder: ordinary field mouse varied 12-317 in 1 hectare and density of the main transmitter varied 17-130example bloodsucker arthropoda – in 1 hectare. Now, from 16850 persons 3300 person living in Gyumry's hotbed-the most risky area of the infection , form a high risk rating, which are mostly rural. We have formed areas of epizootic risk taking into account epizootical informational data, to assess the occurence risk of special dangerous infections according to the prevalence and density of main bearer and distribution of the transmitter.
Mapping of the geographical prevalence of the data is one of the best expressions of situational analysis. In case of goal-oriented organization of antiepidemical measures, it is possible to avoid epidemical complications. New methods and models refine the system of epidemiological control.
It is necessary to make detailed analysis of epidemical process taking into account etiological characteristics of infectional deseases. One of the most important factors of elimination of the consequences of epidemics is the early prevision of epidemical situation and beforehand organization of preventive measures.