
The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking

Fernandez Hernandez

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Introduction. Smoking is one of the most searched risk factor. One of the aspect more analyzed respect to smoking is the double impact over the economy like cause of income and spends. The active consumption of tobacco and cigarettes like main cause for the smoking existence carry to social and economical asymmetries because of smoking like socioeconomic inequity cause. Objective. To describe the main characteristic that identifies to smoking like cause of socioeconomic inequity. Materials and methods. Like teoricals methods were used the comparative, analysis and synthesis and the inductive deductive. Like empiric method was utilized the bibliographic research about smoking. Results. Were described two main forms of socioeconomic inequity because of smoking given by the socials costs because of smoking: in the assignation of resources for Public Health and in the social redistribution of economical resources. Conclusions. The socioeconomic inequity because of smoking given by the cost caused by smoking it evidence in two mains forms: in the assignation of resources to Public Health and in the social redistribution of economical resources because of labor productivity lose because of smoking.



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Jessica Jones is an American science fiction television serie that recreates mind control of citizens and attributes the cause of mind control to a viral infection; however, a scientific analysis revels that actually this television serie is recreating mind control  with cerebral internet of citizens with secret implantation of invasive neurotechnology such as brain nanobots. Although Hollywood arguments are generally attributed to the creativity of their writers and producers, recent research revel the existence of a mafia of Hollywood that produce films and tv series based on illicital human experimentation of US army and CIA. There are many evidences that indicate that Jessica Jones script is being based in the illicital human experimentation with nanotechnology in the world, mainly in New York and Latin america. Marvel’s mafia becomes rich with the secret and forced use of nanotechnology on human beings at the expense of their health, privacy, honor and even their lives. Therefore it is very likely that there are many real "Jessica Jones", who are permanently under mind control. The world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this Hollywood’s mafia that aims to become a great organized crime network in the world.



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Objective: to evaluate the stroke by spiral computed tomography (CT)Scan.

Setting: the study was conducted in the spiral CT. scan units in Ibn-Sena and Al-Salam teaching hospital in Mosul city.

Subject: five hundred patients were analyzed by CT. scan who had stroke features in 8 age groups.

Method: all patients examined by spiral CT scan ( Siemens Somatom Plus 4) and Philips made in Holland. Also they are examined for glucose and serum cholesterol levels.

Results: out of 500 patients, 260 patients (52%) male, 240 patients (48%) female. Male : female ratio is (1.1 : 1). CT. scan showing that 366 patients (73.14%) were ischemic infarction, 87 patients (17.42%) were hemorrhagic infraction, 206 patients (41.1%) were hypertensive, the blood pressure > 140 mmHg, 188 patients (38.8%) were diabetic, the blood glucose level of 124 patients (66.17%) ranged > 10mmol/ L, 114 (22.8%) have high cholesterol level > 220mgL 100ml.

Conclusion: CT. scan is an established tool for diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, hupercholesterolemia are the most important risk factor for acute stroke. The sensitivity was (85%), specificity was (81%), and accuracy was (62%).

Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by poor nutritional intake in a long period of time. Prevalence of stunting in 5-12 years old children in Indonesia reached 30.7%. Stunting prevalence in Aceh is 34.3% (12.9% very short and 21.4% short). Stunting caused delayed maturation of brain function. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between stunting and learning achievement of children aged 9-12 years in Public School (SDN) 2 Idi Rayeuk East Aceh. The study design was Cross-sectional with non-probability sampling. The height was measured using Microtoise. The learning achievement was measured using the value of Math, Science and Indonesian Language in the final semester. Out of 201 subjects, there were 41 children suffering from stunting. Children who experience stunting tend to be more likely to obtain "adequate" learning achievement. Children not suffering from stunting are more likely to obtain "good" and "excellent" grades. Spearman analysis generated p-value (.0000) in all three subjects. Based on the research result, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between stunting with children learning achievement..



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Carcinoid tumors are low-grade, well differentiated and slow-growing neuroendocrine neoplasms. Primary carcinoid tumors of the ovary are extremely rare, accounting for less than 5% of all carcinoid tumors and less than 0.1% of all ovarian malignancies. They represent the second most frequent type of monodermal teratoma and may occur in pure form (15%) or combined with other teratomatous elements (85%). Primary ovarian carcinoids are more common than metastatic ovarian carcinoids, which are mostly of gastrointestinal origin. The distinction between ovarian primary and metastatic carcinoid is crucial and has various clinical, therapeutic and prognostic implications. To date, there are no specific histopathological or immunohistochemical criteria for differentiating between primary ovarian carcinoids and metastatic tumors from the gastrointestinal tract. However, features like the association with ovarian teratoma, unilaterality and the absence of lymphovascular invasion are considered to be suggestive of a primary ovarian carcinoid, rather than a metastatic tumor. Some studies suggest that CDX-2 may be a useful marker to distinguish primary ovarian carcinoids from metastatic ovarian carcinoids of gastrointestinal origin, but there are multiple reports demonstrating that insular and mucinous carcinoids of either origin may express this marker with various intensity. The current consensus is that in the absence of other teratomatous elements, it may be difficult or even impossible to determine whether an ovarian carcinoid is primary or metastatic. Much more relevant to the diagnosis seems to be the interpretation of ancillary immunohistochemical tests, in each individual clinical context. The case presented in this paper attempts to explore the most important diagnostic and therapeutic challenges posed by primary ovarian carcinoid tumors.

Modern scientific knowledge perceives a biofield of the person mainly as biopower, tied,
mainly, to functioning of a biological body, in general, and its separate bodies and cages, in particular,
that is connected with power radiations of bodies and cells of a biological body. Ideas of processes of
change of frequency ranges of power radiations of the person in the course of his spiritual ascension
intensify development of the corresponding methodologies of a pilot study of the mental power



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Hypertension in children may progress as they grow older. Obesity has been identified as one factor that increases blood pressure (BP). Body Mass Index is an indicator that is used in measuring ones’ overweight or obesity status. This study was done to analyze the correlation between BMI with BP in children aged 7-12 years in SD Negeri 20 Banda Aceh. This study is a cross-sectional study that employed a stratified random sampling technique to select 100 children to participate as respondents. There were 50 males and 50 females, with 60 children had underweight status, 18 children had normal BMI, 14 children were in overweight status and 8 children were obese. The average systolic BP in males was 90.4 ± 6.5 mmHg and 90.1 ± 7.3 mmHg in females, and the average diastolic was found at 66.7 ± 4.4 mmHg in males and 65.8 ± 5.9 mmHg in females. The result of Pearson correlation test conducted in this study showed a significant correlation between IMT and BP where systolic BP was (r = 0.439) and diastolic BP was (r = 0.309). It can be drawn into conclusion that higher IMT value seems to be followed by higher BP.

Puberty development and alcohol consumption

Luiz Antonio Del Ciampo

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Adolescence is a period of great physical, emotional and social changes and that predisposes the individual to many external interferences that can interfere with their full development. At this stage of life, due to specific characteristics of their emotional development, adolescents tend to seekimg new experiences associated with the consumption of harmful substances, including alcohol. This article presents some characteristics of the process of pubertal development and the consequences of alcohol consumption during this phase of life, highlighting the interference in the synthesis and release of hormones of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis.

Yachay's secret: The Secret City Of US Army's Human Weapon


Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Yachay is considered “the Silicon Valley of Ecuador”; Ecuadorian youth have great expectations of a better future due to this technological city, however, recent researches alert that Latin American Silicon Valley are US army's human farms to develop human weapon with nanotechnology. There are many evidences that indicate that the US army, American universities and transnational technology companies perform illegal human high-risk experimentation to develop human weapons such as cyborgs, robot-astronauts to colonize Mars or  human avatars of videogames. Among the evidences are the exclusive administration of professors from US universities linked to DARPA in Yachay's organization, the promotion of innovation associated to Yachay, the promotion of cerebral internet in Yachay; the discovery of nanomafias in Latin America and recent researches that alert that US army is developing cyborgs in Peruvian universities. In the world, there are many examples of unethical human experimentation performed in Third World countries, projects that are promoted as licit, but with time, it is discovered that they hid illegal human experimentation; the evidences indicate that Yachay is one of these.

Abortion is the same as slavery--You cannot be "for" one and against the other

Samuel A. Nigro, MD,

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019 , Page 398-399

Every culture has its contagious evils allowed by law and accepted by citizens as the common good. Once, every country had slavery; some countries mistreated women; some countries had communism and deprived all of personal property; some killed Jews or dehumanized others; in America, anti-Catholicism has always been accepted and anti-religionism is growing. Every country has its contagious evil accepted as a good. Today, abortion has replaced slavery--human DNA creatures, at a stage of life every human being PERSON-ally had to go through, are property belonging to others; without rights; deprived of personal development and independence; without the right to choose for oneself; declared "non-persons" by law; deprived of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; not allowed "created equal;" without descendants; promoted as a "necessary good" when exploited, dehumanized and misused by others including scientists; and inhumanly proclaimed "good" whenever destroyed. Abortion has replaced slavery--they made it invisible. You would not have wanted, PERSON-ally, to be a slave or aborted.

Introduction new research suggests that calcium and vitamin D supplements may be useful in preventing weight gain during menopause. Women going through menopause often experience unusual weight gain, especially around the abdomen, which can be a risk factor for other health problems, such as heart diseases .So we aimed to assess the influence of ca and vitamin d on the anthropometric measurements in preimenopausal overweight and obesity females, in the fitness club at Zagazig University.

Material and methods; This was  a interventional study  conducted for  three months on  146 women  who fulfilled the selection criteria and randomly allocated in the studied groups each group was 73 females participating in the weight loss program (balanced low caloric diet with planned exercise program ) alone (control group ),or with ca and vitamin d supplement (supplement group ) .for quantitative data analysis a student t test was used .

Results, the studied groups aged around 45.7 years (38-50), showed no significant difference (p>0.05) as regards all the demographic variables and anthropometric measurements before the intervention. After the intervention, there was a statistical significant reduction in the WC, body Wt., and BMI at the supplement group (p < 0.05).

Conclusions, Ca and vitamin d is very important component in the weight reduction programs for perimenopausal women and for heathy menopause

Nrensis suggested to call the desease – tularemia. Tularemia has been recorded everywhere  in North America, in Japan, in different countries of Europe, in Asia and in Africa. The desease is mainly spread in the landscapes of Northernone. hemisphere's temperature climatic zone. Na­tural breeding ground of Tularemia is confirmed also in the area of Republic of Armenia /90%/.

To form the areas of epozootic risk according to the prevalence and density of main carrier and distribution areas of the transmitter, for the assessment of the occurance risk of the special dangerous infections.

We have made current and looking-back epidemiological analysis of the deseases with tularemia during 1996-2012 in Shirak region. We use /GIS/ geographical informatioprogramnal system's Arc View GIS 10.0 and Qvantum GIS computer options .

Shirak region is included in the geography of Transcaucasion highland plague, tularemia and other special dangerous infections' active natural hotbeds. Gyumri's hotbed's geographical location, climatic conditions and the specific landscape type create favourable conditions for rodents' – ordinary field mouse's and main transmitter's - icsodic tick's survival and repreduction. From 327 types of rodents existing in the area of RA, more than 17 types meet in the area of Gumri's hotbed, in connection with these rodents' ecology there are near 20 types of icsodic and more than 40 gamazic ticks.

Shirak region, in this respect, is considered to be risky area, as epizotia's frequency is high. In the hotbed density o5 years – during last f the main holder: ordinary field mouse varied 12-317 in 1 hectare and density of the main transmitter varied 17-130example bloodsucker arthropoda – in 1 hectare. Now, from 16850 persons 3300 person living in Gyumry's hotbed-the most risky area of the infection , form a high risk rating, which are mostly rural. We have formed areas of epizootic risk taking into account epizootical informational data, to assess the occurence risk of special dangerous infections according to the prevalence and density of main bearer and distribution of the transmitter.

Mapping of the geographical prevalence of the data is one of the best expressions of situational analysis. In case of goal-oriented organization of antiepidemical measures, it is possible to avoid epidemical complications. New methods and models refine the system of epidemiological control.

It is necessary to make detailed analysis of epidemical process taking into account etiological characteristics of infectional deseases. One of the most important factors of elimination of the consequences of epidemics is the early prevision of epidemical situation and beforehand organization of preventive measures.



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Glycogen storage diseases (GSD) are inherited metabolic disorders of glycogen metabolism. More than 12 types of GSD are known up-to-date and they are classified based on the related enzyme deficiency involved and the affected tissue. In general, GSD affect primarily the liver, the muscle or both but may also affect the kidney and intestine in which the accumulation of glycogen on liver and kidneys results in hepatomegaly and renomegaly. Each type of GSD has a different impact on the metabolism, but some symptoms seem to remain constant between the types; although each one is treated as a unique case. The most common approach to managing GSD is through specific diet. The simplest and most effective long-term treatment for GSD I (Von Gierke’s disease) is by the use of uncooked cornstarch which is able to decrease the metabolic abnormalities of the disease. Recently, Treatment of GSDIa with AAV-GPE-mediated gene therapy in mice has shown promising results in decreasing the metabolic abnormalities and the risk of chronic complications, suggesting that G6Pase-α gene transfer may be a potential therapeutic approach to the management of human GSDIa. The only prominent viable treatment for GSD II (Pompe disease) is through enzyme replacement by gene therapy. Lately, the efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy has improved clinical outcomes but varies between patients and therefore further research is needed. The main treatment of GSD type III (Cori’s disease) is based on diet, through high-protein but limited carbohydrate intake, which can alleviate and even prevent most symptoms. For GSD type V (McArdle disease) there is no cure or treatment, but symptoms can be kept under control. This mini review paper summarizes the value of dietary therapies in improving the quality of life and survival through minimizing metabolic abnormalities and chronic complications.

The loss of medicinal plant species was aggravated by the erosion of the age old accumulated indigenous knowledge on traditional use and management of these plants as its transfer system is widely known to be poor. The present study documented traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants in Assosa District of Benishangul-Gumuz Region. The objective of the study was to compile and document indigenous plant based medical knowledge of the indigenous community. The study methods was followed random sampling, interviewing selected herbal practitioners and elderly people by means of a semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion. Among the 49 plant families, the most frequently used medicinal plant species were reported to be Fabaceae represented by (14.1%), Polygonaceae (7.6%), Sterculiaceae (6.3%), Euphorbiaceae (6.1%), Lamiaceae (5%), Vitaceae (4.6%) and Ranunculaceae (4.2%). In addition, Majority of the respondents (70%) were reported that roots were medicinally used parts. Whereas 17.6 % of them were used both roots and leafs followed by 5% leafs. The remaining 1.5% up to 0.1 % of the respondents were used bark, flower, seeds and whole plants. Moreover, out of the total 119 medicinal plant species collected 97 species (81.5%) of them were used by the local community as remedies for treatment of human ailments while 14 species (11.8%) were used for curing livestock disease and 8 species (6.7%) were used for treatment of both human and livestock diseases. However, the presence of 119 medicinal plant species with diversified families is an indicator of wealth Biodiversity. The trend of medicinal plant threats has been increased in the last five year because of agricultural land expansion, overgrazing, overexploitation and deforestation. Therefore, the scientific community have to try their maximum effort to test the scientific validity of medicinal plants around the study area.



Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2019

Medicinal plants have a vast potential in the treatment of various ailments due to the presence of therapeutically important phytochemicals. Diabetes is a serious metabolic disorder and several marketed medications are available to alleviate the  symptoms of diabetes. However, these over the counter drugs are expensive and associated with several complications. Herbal medicines are gaining importance as they are cost-effective and also display improved therapeutic effects with lesser side  effects. The present review includes the reports available on medicinal plants used for treating diabetes complications. The  aim of the review is to categorize and summarize the available information on medicinal plants with anti-diabetic properties and suggesting outlooks for future research. Based on the literature data available, a total of 81 medicinal plants with anti-diabetic, anti-hyperglycemic, hypoglycemic, anti-lipidemic and insulin mimetic properties have been compiled in this review. Further research can be carried out to study the active constituents and mechanism of these plants.

Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a major complication of diabetes worldwide. Diabetic condition can be also complicated by diabetic dyslipidemia. The prevalence of CKD Cameroon, Africa or in other parts of the world of diabetics is not clearly estimated but, some studies tried to estimate prevalences in local areas or isolated zones. In addition, assessment of both prevelances of CKD and diabetic dyslipidaemia are not well documented. The present study is aimed at estimating the prevalence of CKD and diabetic dyslipidaemia in diabetic patients in Buea, Cameroon. Methodology: This was a cross-section study conducted at the diabetic clinic of Buea Regional Hospital and the Lambe Foundation for diabetes and hypertension in Buea, South-West Region of Cameroon. Result and Discussion: Out of 120 diabetics enrolled, 63.33% were females. 53.33% were hypertensive, 74.16% overweight and obese and, 32.50% presented real obesity. The mean of eGFR was 92.76 ml/min/1.73m2 and, woman presented the lower value (89.55±43.49ml/min/1.73m2) compared to men (98.37±87.43 ml/min/1.73m2) (X2= 0.107; P = 0.466). The prevalence of CKD was 70.83% and the stage 2 was the high prevalent (36.60%). 20.83% presented CKD from stage 3 to 5. The prevalence of micro- albuminuria was 30% and macro-albuminuria was prevalent at 3.33%. Diabetic dyslipidaemia affected about half of the study population with a prevalence of 48.9%. The co-affection micro-albuminuria and diabetic dyslipidaemia was observed in 16.66% of the population individuals, against 2.50% for the co- affection macro-albuminuria and diabetic dyslipidaemia. The prevalence of diabetic dyslipidaemia among diabetic with CKD was 39.16% (X2=0.118).

Conclusion: This study shown the high prevalence of CKD in diabetics and, was the first to assess the

prevalences of both CKD and diabetic dyslipidaemia in diabetic Cameroonians. The findings advice on the assessment of the complications of diabetes in Cameroon in order to estimate, in more large population, risk factors and pattern of diabetic dyslipidaemia and CKD in diabetic Cameroonian.