Jessica Jones is an American science fiction television serie that recreates mind control of citizens and attributes the cause of mind control to a viral infection; however, a scientific analysis revels that actually this television serie is recreating mind control with cerebral internet of citizens with secret implantation of invasive neurotechnology such as brain nanobots. Although Hollywood arguments are generally attributed to the creativity of their writers and producers, recent research revel the existence of a mafia of Hollywood that produce films and tv series based on illicital human experimentation of US army and CIA. There are many evidences that indicate that Jessica Jones script is being based in the illicital human experimentation with nanotechnology in the world, mainly in New York and Latin america. Marvel’s mafia becomes rich with the secret and forced use of nanotechnology on human beings at the expense of their health, privacy, honor and even their lives. Therefore it is very likely that there are many real "Jessica Jones", who are permanently under mind control. The world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this Hollywood’s mafia that aims to become a great organized crime network in the world.
Television, Internet, Brain-computer Interface, New York,
How to Cite
SALINAS, D. (2019). JESSICA JONES: MIND CONTROL IN TV SERIES -A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW-. Journal of Medical Practice and Review. Retrieved from
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