Abortion is the same as slavery--You cannot be "for" one and against the other
Journal of Medical Practice and Review
Page 398-399
Every culture has its contagious evils allowed by law and accepted by citizens as the common good. Once, every country had slavery; some countries mistreated women; some countries had communism and deprived all of personal property; some killed Jews or dehumanized others; in America, anti-Catholicism has always been accepted and anti-religionism is growing. Every country has its contagious evil accepted as a good. Today, abortion has replaced slavery--human DNA creatures, at a stage of life every human being PERSON-ally had to go through, are property belonging to others; without rights; deprived of personal development and independence; without the right to choose for oneself; declared "non-persons" by law; deprived of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; not allowed "created equal;" without descendants; promoted as a "necessary good" when exploited, dehumanized and misused by others including scientists; and inhumanly proclaimed "good" whenever destroyed. Abortion has replaced slavery--they made it invisible. You would not have wanted, PERSON-ally, to be a slave or aborted.
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