
Tourism is the fastest developing industry in the world in terms of employment generation and addition to national income .health tourism  is one type of tourism that it consists of three parts: wellness tourism, curative tourism and medical tourism and the most profitable part of health tourism is medical tourism.The aim of this study was to investigate role of Medical tourism provider website to attract medical tourists. In medical tourism market, several sections are considered as effective factors for the decision of medical tourists to choose the destination of medical tourism that  include medical tourism marketing companies or agency, medical tourism marketing websites, hospital and health clinics websites and medical broker. Medical market based on approximately 14 million cross-border patients worldwide spending an average of USD 3,800-6,000 per visit, including medically-related costs, cross-border and local transport, inpatient stay and accommodations .In this paper, deliberate or purpose sampling in used and researchers have used questioner that it filled in by 114 people of medical service providers in India. In this study the most important conclusion is that medical tourists believe the role Medical tourism provider website to attract medical tourists is very important but those websites are not applicable for medical tourists. they need Multilanguage  and convenient use website.

Toward Deficit Free and Low Tax Economy Driven by Labor

Mieczysław Dobija,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 268-286

To what extent an economy needs taxes? Considerations show that taxes are strongly tied to specific way of economic thinking not quite right. Correct conceiving of the fundamental economic categories: capital, labor, and money as abstract, intellectual notions open a new perspective for economy. Then discloses a fact that labor creates money i.e. labor is financing on its own. Therefore, economy does not need taxes in order to finance labor of employees. Taxes are only needed for assets financing. It is natural in companies and it is true in the public sector as well. A material perceiving of the capital and labor is the reason of severe taxes, budget deficits, and it damages an image of money economy as a magnificent achievement of humanity.

The Empirical Study of the Influence of Organizational learning on Knowledge Management- Take Taiwan Medical Institutions for example

Chien-Chang Yang, Carol Y.Y. Lin, Chia-Jung Chung,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 216-231

Continuously Strengthening The Organization Competitiveness Through Learning Has Become An important development strategy during the era of knowledge economy, even to medical institutions, whose human resource is extremely important capital.

The objective of this study is to find the linkage between organizational learning (shared vision, personal mastery, mental model improvement, team learning, and systematical thinking) and knowledge management (knowledge acquirement, knowledge innovation, knowledge accumulation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge application), in order to provide managers to make good use of organizational learning to build knowledge management, and eventually to strengthen organizational competitiveness. Data from 182 hospitals in Taiwan, with a response rate of 33.1%, confirm the positive correlation between organizational learning and knowledge management.

The immediate superior’s activity in relation to onboarding

Anita Kozak, Hajnalka Csafor,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 287-293

This study is based on a questionnaire survey, the people interviewed are the employees of the Hungarian units of four international companies and they had been working in their organization for less than three years at the time of the survey. This article presents the results of this questionnaire survey which reveals the role of the immediate superiors in the onboarding process, the extent and quality of the assistance based on the surveyed employees’ opinions. We also examined whether these opinions were influenced by the surveyed employees’ qualifications, the mentoring system or the lack of it and the employees’ work experience gained before joining the organization. Our results related to the superior’s evaluation also prove that during the onboarding process it is necessary to pay more attention to the new employee’s previous socializations scenes, that is, the employee’s educational level, qualifications and work experience or the lack of it. In the first part of our study, we determine the superior’s tasks related to onboarding, then we cover the material and the methods of the study (beside descriptive statistics we used non-parametric test). After then, we present and evaluate the results, and finally we summarize the most important findings of the article

‘Gunas’ and Their Role in Management

Neha Sachdeva,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 232-234

The term Gunas has a great importance in philosphical literature (especially in sankhya philosophy) of India. Generally, gunas means ‘string’ or a single thread or strand of a cod or twine in Sanskrit language , but in more abstract uses, it may mean a subdivision species, kind,quality or an operational principle or tendency. There are three major ‘Gunas’ which serve fundamental operating principle or tendencies of prakriti (universal nature).

According to sankhya philosophy,the particular names and work order of these three gunas is mentioned below:

The equal significance of these three gunas has been also accepted by Mahabharat, especially by Bhagwad Gita.

"Determinants of Gross Capital Formation Volatility in Kenya; the Garch (1, 1) Model"

ochieng otieno benjack

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 361-373

In 2016, the Kenyan government capped interest rates to 14% per annum in order to spar investments through cheaper credit acquisition from commercial banks but the levels of investments declined from 21.2% in 2015 to 17% in 2016; however the trend analysis on Gross Capital Formation (GCF), has fluctuated since 1964 through to 2016. The study seeks to investigate this trend through the perspective of real interest rate and GDP fluctuations, adopting the Keynesian hypothesis. Correlational research design and the World Bank Time series data from 1972 to 2016 were used. GARCH (1,1) model was formulated and results indicated that Real Interest Rate (RIR) was insignificant to determine GCF i.e.  ARCH( ; and GARCH term (  were significant while GDP was not significant(  in determining GCF volatility. The conclusion was that RIR internal shocks significantly affected GCF volatility hence real interest rate stability must be enhanced by the policy makers.

Effectiveness of E-Recruitment in Organization Development

Masese Omete Fred, Dr.Uttam M. Kinange,, Masese Omete Fred, Dr.Uttam M. Kinange,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 294-301

In the rapidly changing global world economy, the only vital value for an enterprise is the experience, skills, innovativeness and insights of its manpower resources they are the key components in every organization. Competitive organizations of the present have to attract and retain the best and outstanding manpower to remain competitive in the market. This paper identifies Internet recruitment methods from relevant literature, and describes how their benefits of online recruitment can influence the recruitment decision making of the organization.  Today, one of the most crucial sources of competitive advantage is based on human resource efforts through attracting and retaining talented individuals. The internet has helped in attracting potential candidates to an organization from the recruitment process, which is referred to as E-Recruitment. The practice of issuing a vacant position and applying for a job via a website has increased steadily. The purpose of this paper is to broaden the research on the online Recruitment practices for the entire development of the organization with focus on E-Recruitment practices and trends in India, to identify what E-Recruitment methods are being used and what benefits are being experienced by organizations using these methods

Stiglitz and the Euro: A Short Memory

Fabrizio Pezzani,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 302-305

Several newspapers have recently reported the statements of Joseph Stiglitz on the inadequacy of the euro as a key element of the monetary union and how its inadequacy is evident in the different development conditions that would favor some countries over others. On the subject and the specific question, he is absolutely right, yet the problem is not the euro as a currency but the rational sociocultural and monetarist model behind the monetary union that should first be based on social and political sharing. The economy and currency as the sole unit of measure are detached from society and from man as a person to become something abstract and ungovernable. The real problem is the failure of the cultural model elevated as sacred truth that led to finance devoid of scientific foundations and to assume a role of governance, measuring complex realities that are not completely measurable, as in the case of human societies. We are using an infinite currency to value a finite word , is it logical and possible ? Absolutely No !

Telecommunication Service Usage Profile and Preference: A Comparative Study between Bsnl and Private Service Operators

Dr. Gautam Patikar, Dr. Pradip Chakraborty,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2019 , Page 306-314

It is worth mentioning that at present telephone especially mobile phone has become a necessity of life. Yet the socio economic environment in which a person is living also influences the telephone usage and preference. Hence, the socio economic factors and their influence on telephone usage of the people becomes an important area for research studies. This paper reviews the telephone usage profile of the respondents and their preference for BSNL and other private operators in the State of Nagaland. The primary objective of this paper is to study the respondents’ preference for BSNL and private operators. This study is an empirical one based on descriptive research design. The study is based on the primary data. In order to study the usage profile of the telephone users in Nagaland a survey was conducted in the selected districts of Nagaland. The data were collected from 450 sample respondents using a well-structured questionnaire.

Telecommunication service usage profile depends on a number of factors such as area of residence, age of the customers, gender, marital status, level of education, occupation, monthly income of the users and so on. The survey revealed that young generation people below 25 years of age are having an inclination towards the private operators. It is further observed that among the BSNL users 57.17% of the respondents are using post-paid service for which a minimum monthly rental is paid, which is neither popular nor affordable for the poor sections of the society. On the other hand, private service is popular among all sections of the society irrespective of their level of income. But it is more popular among the lower income group and especially among the students. Among the private service users, only 5.31% are using post-paid service. The study further concludes that private operators could increase the number of customers gradually over the period as against the shrinking market share of BSNL