Management and Economic Journal
Page 530-534
Pakistan is one of the few states in Asia which are following federal form of government since birth. But the parallel fact is, after celebrating more than seventeen years of independence, federalism in its true meaning could not be developed in the country. Diversified history of the state highlights that unlawful step of the political leaders and deep state actors, developed distrust among the federal units. Due to the over centralization, smaller units have been deprived of their rights and powers. Therefore, current study is a qualitative effort to figure out the factors those are weakening federalism in Pakistan. On the basis of secondary data, study finds that there are two-fold reasons; on the one hand, over centralization and unequal treatment and on the other side, regionalism, provincialism, feudalism and corruption are weakening the federal set-up and enhancing distrust among the units. Provincialism in place of federalism is hazardous for the development of the nation. Therefore, national development or stability is correlated with strong federalism which is not possible without provincial autonomy and equality. Realistic autonomy of the units may play fundamental role to invigorate federalism in Pakistan.