

Shah Nawaz Mangi, Dr. Adnan Malik, Dr. Bahadur Ali Soomro

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 530-534

Pakistan is one of the few states in Asia which are following federal form of government since birth. But the parallel fact is, after celebrating more than seventeen years of independence, federalism in its true meaning could not be developed in the country. Diversified history of the state highlights that unlawful step of the political leaders and deep state actors, developed distrust among the federal units. Due to the over centralization, smaller units have been deprived of their rights and powers. Therefore, current study is a qualitative effort to figure out the factors those are weakening federalism in Pakistan. On the basis of secondary data, study finds that there are two-fold reasons; on the one hand, over centralization and unequal treatment and on the other side, regionalism, provincialism, feudalism and corruption are weakening the federal set-up and enhancing distrust among the units. Provincialism in place of federalism is hazardous for the development of the nation. Therefore, national development or stability is correlated with strong federalism which is not possible without provincial autonomy and equality. Realistic autonomy of the units may play fundamental role to invigorate federalism in Pakistan.


The study investigated the contribution of ziika women integrated development association (zwida) as a village savings and loan association (vsla) towards the financial inclusion of women in ziika community, wakiso district in uganda. Zwida is an evolution of a small women association established way back in 2001 with an objective of supporting and promoting the enhancement of community household incomes and related sustainability through mobilizing community savings. The study was guided by three objectives: to establish the types of products and services offered by zwida; to establish the requirements for accessing the products and services offered by zwida, and to investigate how the products and services are used as a tool for the financial inclusion of the members of zwida.

Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. A total of 52 respondents participated in the study. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages alongside themes and narrations. 

The study found out that zwida offers three key products and services namely: loans, savings and financial education programs. Members are required to make compulsory savings once a month. For one to access the services of zwida, she must be a paying member who has undergone training on the financial matters of the association. The majority of the respondents of zwida have been able to open up bank accounts which have enabled them to access the services of the formal financial institutions. The study concludes that vslas like zwida can be effective tools for financial inclusion.  


Internal Factors Affecting Profitability With Loan Distribution As Intervening

Anggit Senja Nugraha

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 505-517

Positive Growth And Progress Of Banking Is Influenced By Macroeconomic Factors And Internal Performance Indicators. The Study Was Conducted To Measure The Influence Of Internal Performance Indicated By The Performance Of LAR, CAR, NPL, TPF, And Loan Interest Rates To ROA With Loan Distribution As An Intervening Variable. Data Analysis Techniques Used In This Study Include Descriptive Analysis And Statistical Analysis Using Multiple Regression Analysis Also Path Analysis To Measure The Effects Of Variable Intervening. The Results Indicate That The Independent Variables Used Have A Significant Influence On Loan Distribution. While The Loan Distribution Variable Itself Has A Significant Effect On ROA And Can Be Considered As An Intervening Variable That Connects The Variables LAR, CAR, And NPL To ROA.

This paper is going to highlight the tourists’ perception towards the Kashmir tourism organization, is really Kashmir is famous for its beauty or not and what they think about the Kashmir and what their perception is about the beauty of Kashmir. As we all know that the Tourism is the main source of the economic development for any state in every aspect, tourism can help the country to develop the infrastructure for the tourists (foreign and domestic) and decorate the natural beauty places, as well this paper Is mean to examine the role of tourism department in up gradation of tourist centers in Kashmir. Tourism department is the vital source to generate the income and create employment opportunities in the J&K state. For this purpose I had selected 200 tourists to examine them and to analyze their perception towards the tourism and the tourist places like phalgam, kokerneg, , veerinag, simthan top, Bijbhara Badhshah bagh, pandav laden kheribal Anantnag  accordingly

The Effect of Currency Risk Internal Hedging Strategies on the Value of the Firm: Evidence of Listed Commercial Banks in Kenya

Joseph Mwangi Chege, Tabitha Nasieku Obwogi,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 315-323

Currency fluctuations are a global phenomenon, and can affect multinational companies directly through their cash flow, financial result and company valuation. The exposure to currency risks might however be covered against or ‘hedged’, as it is called, by different internal corporate strategies. However, some of these strategies might include a risk themselves as they can be expensive and uncertain. It is therefore an interesting question whether if these strategies are actually applied in practice, and if so which strategies are favored and why. Specifically the study sought to determine the effect of netting on the value of listed commercial banks in Kenya, to find out the effect of leading and lagging on the value of listed commercial banks in Kenya and to establish the effect of pricing adjustment on the value of listed commercial banks in Kenya. The target population of this study was all the 10 listed commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on secondary data which was collected from the annual reports submitted to the CBK by the banks and annual financial reports by banks for the period between 2009 and 2015. Descriptive analysis and panel data regression analysis were applied in the study. The study found that use of internal hedging tools had a significant influence on the value of listed commercial banks in Kenya. Particularly netting, leading and lagging and price adjustment were all found to have positive effect on the value of commercial banks in Kenya. The study therefore recommended the use of different internal hedging techniques to eliminate the currency risk that affect the value of commercial banks


Wenbo Liu, Zhen Liu

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 549-557

Based on the perspective of resource conservation theory,this paper adopts the questionnaire survey method and takes 345 enterprise employees as samples to discuss the impact of humble leadership on employee creativity and how the  perceived organizational support has a moderating effect on the relationship between humble leadership and employee creativity. The results show that humble leadership hasa positive influence on employeecreativity, and this relationship is mediated byknowledge hiding.Perceived organizational support positively moderates the relationship between humble leadership and employee creativity


Amani Maaz Hema Yousif

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 518-529

The concept of Water Resources Management (WRM) was applied to study the integrated water resources management in South Dar Fur in Western Sudan. This concept was selected because it is straight forward, simple, and logical. The required data was the determination of domestic water, industrial water and agricultural water uses. This approach required the application of advanced statistical models’ simple statistical models, as well as sophisticated softwares. The required data included determinations and calculations of averages, standard deviations, beside the more sophisticated statistical parameters such as coefficient of variation, skewness and their corrections. The software applications paved the road towards the solution of the problems going parallel with fulfilling the objectives. Furthermore, it created an expected integrated water resources management body in South Dar Fur State, to travel parallel with the expected present and future population growth.


Joel Bigley, Marc Weniger

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 558-580

This study looks at the relationship between work ethic and economic growth across cultures. The findings indicated substantively significant results based on the question sets found in the GLOBE survey. Work priorities have shifted based on human need. In this study multiple waves of the GLOBE survey are used to determine socio-economic trends. The results indicated that work ethic grows as a countries’ priorities change from having higher motivation to work in poorer economies, to having lower motivation to work in wealthier economies. In fact, work priorities have shifted from working for material security/necessity in poorer economies to working for intrinsic needs in wealthier countries. This study supported aspects of modernization theory, cultural determinism (primacy), and that culture, specifically work ethic, does have a substantively significant effect on GNI per capita and GDP per capita. The ideas of achievement motivation theory and that cultural values only change generationally were challenged.\


"Financial alignment and cost allocation strategy in an MNE: A case study"

Joel Bigley, Ed.D.

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2021 , Page 399-411

Financial synergies are performance advantages gained by leveraging financial resources across strong long-cycle international businesses in a multi-unit firm. Typically, financial alignment and the appropriate allocation of costs are not given the attention needed. Cost mapping is critical to the measurement of business-unit performance. The participants in this case study identified items in financial reports that required attention to enhance clarity in reporting, such that opportunity discovery and appropriate action can be taken. Furthermore, misallocations are a source of frustration for P&L owners that are accountable for their financial performance. Cost awareness and control in a business unit by P&L owners is important for financial performance accountability and control. Finance, as a support function, has a critical role in successfully completing focused actions that result in the realization of growth. The author adds to theory of financial performance driven by alignment and allocation through this empirical study.

Abstract :

Financial distress is the financial condition of companies that experience financial difficulties before the company goes bankrupt. This study aims to determine the effect of: (1) liquidity ratios in predicting financial distress; (2) leverage ratio in predicting financial distress; (3) activity ratio in predicting financial distress; (4) liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, and activity ratios in predicting financial distress. Data analysis method used a quantitative method approach. Analysis technique used is descriptive statistical, logistic regression, test coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study show that partially the activity ratio has a significant and negative influence in predicting financial distress, while the liquidity ratio and leverage ratio do not have a significant influence in predicting financial distress. Simultaneously liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, and activity ratios have a significant influence in predicting financial distress



This study has examined the output of sugarcane and its impact of economic growth of Pakistan. Sugarcane has positive impact on economic growth of Pakistan. Data is taken from 1981-2013 and taken from different sources. An ARDL approach to cointegration is used to investigate the long-run cointegration in the series. Then, VECM test is applied and investigated the short and long-run relationship. The study reveals that Pakistan has efficient potential in sugarcane sector of Pakistan. Prices of energy and prices of fertilizer badly affected the output of sugarcane sector. Investment in agriculture has a long term relationship with output of sugarcane.