

Ketty Arucy

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 593-596

Provision of affordable housing remains a key pillar in the achievements of the national strategy vision 2030. Its implementation is however faced by remarkable challenges that include: resistance by the targeted beneficiaries, failure of expected “buy in” by anticipated stakeholders, absence of basic legislation to guide and drive the implementation process, ignorance by majority of the public due to limited stakeholder engagement, lack of required political will and support and corruption among many other emerging issues. Despite the launch of the “affordable housing” program against the registered opposition, the government’s initiative to impose the housing fund levypolicy upon the working class has proved futile. The federation of kenya employers (fke) and the central organization of trade unions (cotu) managed to obtain a court injunction against the government directive. A lot is required to be done to achieve this ambitious project given its social and economic impact.


This study aims to find a prediction model of financial difficulties in the Indonesian banking sector, especially in Conventional Go-Public Banks. The criteria for assessing financial difficulties are divided into two panels, namely the median panel and the mean or average panel. The financial performance assessed in this study is Loan to Deposits Ratio (LDR),Non-Performing Loans (NPL), Operational Costs and Operating Income (BOPO), Return on Assets (ROA) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). The research sample amounted to forty-five (45) Conventional Go-Public Banks that operating in Indonesia in the period 2013-2017 and selected by using purposive sampling method. Logistic regression is used to analyze the data. The results of this study found that the NPL ratio in the median panel becomes a significant variable in predicting financial difficulties in Conventional Go-Public Banks in Indonesia, while the LDR, CAR and NPL ratios in the mean panel were significant variables in predicting financial difficulties in Conventional Go-Public Banks in Indonesia.

Corporate Social Responsibility of a Courier Business: A Case Study

Dr. Julio César López Figueroa, Dr. René Daniel Fornés Rivera, Adolfo Cano Carrasco M.Sc., Diana Mariel Jiménez Cázares B.Sc., Ana Judith Duarte López, Sergio Arturo Camacho Guzmán

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 461-472

The purpose of the present research was to identify the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) required of a courier business lacking this vision in its strategic programs in order to facilitate obtaining the certification of Corporate Social Responsibility which would provide competitive advantages such as an improved corporate image and in consequence an increase in organizational earnings. A review of literature in which the context as well as empirical studies of applied CSR in the service sector were carried out. The methodology used for this research was case study in which first the existing level of CSR of the entity was diagnosed and with this in hand a proposal of plans for activities of socially responsible was obtained. The results of this work have contributed to an increase in studies on social responsibility in Mexican organizations in the service sector

A Comparative Study of Different Cases of Installation Art from Arabic artworks and global artworks

Mohammad Ahmad. Bani Salameh, Yakup Mohd. Rafee,

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page Page No. 455-460

This paper discusses the influence of the political situations on changing the idea in the material used in contemporary installation art in the Arab region. There was a change in the idea of the Arabic artworks which used the same material as in other global artworks but with a different idea. The study compared artworks (study sample) and global artworks that used the same material. The study sample contained two Arabic contemporary installation artworks from 2010-2015 to confirm if political situations were the reason for this change in idea. The findings proved the influence of these political situations on changing the idea in Arabic contemporary installation art.

A Review of Quantitative Modeling of International Tourism Demand

Muideen Adejare Isiaka

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022

This study contains a review of various methodologies that have been used by researchers in measuring, modelling and estimating international tourism demand. It includes the measures of dependent and independent variables, econometric modelling of international tourism demand and its specification. The study identifies limited use of advanced quantitative methods like differential equation based system dynamics, multi-agent model based models, game theory application, artificial intelligent and machine learning models, network modeling and graph theory. The study concludes that international tourism organization should help build research capacity on the use of these modern methods.

    The purpose of this work is to study the empirical framework that highlights the nature of the relationship between financial development and economic growth while taking into account the role played by Islamic finance as a catalyst for economic growth in the direction of economic development. Investment and public spending and makes human work more efficient (education). Our empirical attempt looks at the impacts between traditional financial development and Islamic financial development on economic growth using several estimation methods, namely the fixed effects method, the random effects method, the GMM method in first differences and the GMM method in system for our MENA study region for twenty successive years (1990-2009).

"The concept of creative economy with the approach of contemporary cinema"

Behzad Asadi

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 374-380

In the contemporary world, art associated with advanced technologies has been the source of a powerful economic stream, labeled as "creative economy" in the world literature. The theory of the components of the creative class creates creativity, economic value, and this creativity, which is the basis of their existence, can be divided into the supernatural core and creative skills. The idea of ​​a creative city expresses the role of art and culture. The boom of the art economy will not only develop art, but also with the advent of art into social and cultural life, other sectors, such as industry, education, and urbanization will also be developed. Cinema is the most entertaining artistic part, except for the sale of films with many economic elements from the sale of various products to the marketing and the cycle of explaining the show and .... Selling videos to other parts of the world can also help the mobility of the creative economy. Cinema has become a major pillar of art in economics in developed countries, and unfortunately Iran's share of this sector of the economy is negligible.

Keyword: Creative Economy. Cinema


diurianne caroline campos

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 324-330

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental anomalies  in children of Cuiabá and then to compare it with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Study design: It was a retrospective study of 324 digital panoramic radiographs of patients who presented to a Radiology Center in Cuiabá, between 2010 and 2011. The followings were recorded for each subject  age, sex and presence of  dental anomalies in maxilla or mandible. Were observed  dental anomalies involving the number, shape of teeth. Results: Dental anomalies were found in 97,2% of children. The distribution of dental anomalies were more frequent in girls than in boys, and the maxilla more than mandible. Impacted tooth (36,6%), followed by hipodontia/agenesis (30,5%) and Rotation/lateralization (15%) were the more frequent dental anomalies in the study population. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of dental anomalies at an early age has great importance because it allows for more comprehensive long-term treatment planning, more favorable prognosis, and, in certain instances, less extensive interception.

This study aims to determine the effect of quality  services toward the loyalty customer of bank tabungan negara in surabaya bukit darmo branch through customer satisfaction variables. In conditions of intense competition,the bank tabungan negara (btn) surabaya bukit darmo branch must strive to anticipate the changes that occur in the banking services business environment, for this reason, the surabaya bukit darmo branch should improve its service quality to make customers more loyal and attractive to prospective customers. The sampling method that will be used in this study is purposive sampling method with a sample size of 90 respondents. Analysis techniques using partial least square (pls). Based on the results of the study, it was found that: 1. Service quality towards customer loyalty at bank btn surabaya bukit darmo branch was significantly positive, acceptable. 2. Service quality towards customer satisfaction at bank btn surabaya bukit darmo branch is significantly positive, acceptable. 3. Customer satisfaction with the customer loyalty of bank btn surabaya bukit darmo surabaya branch has a positive, acceptable result. 4. Service quality towards the customer loyalty of bank btn surabaya bukit darmo branch through customer satisfaction, positive significant, acceptable and customer satisfaction variables act as moderate variables



Human Resources In The Private Sector In Vietnam

Nguyen Duc Trung

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 473-475

Vietnam is entering the stage of industrialization and modernization of the country. In order to elaborate itself from underdevelopment and create the foundation to become a modern industrialized country, resources development is considered prerequisites, in which capital resources, science and technology, management, especially human resources, are the most importance. Still without manpower, manufacturing material cannot be produced. On the basis of the vital role of human resources, this paper aims to analyze the utilization of human resources in the private sector in Vietnam, hence provide a complete look of Vietnam’s industrialization and globalization development through this sector.

"Artificial Vision in Mexican Agriculture, a New Techlogy for Increase Food Security"

Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 381-398

At present there are around 7,000 million human beings in the world and the World Bank estimate is that we will reach some 9,000 million people by 2050. The FAO assures that the arable land will not increase and that, due to the shortage of water and desertification, will even decrease. Mexico is not exempt from the previous situation because it is estimated that the population of our country for 2010 will be 150,837,517.CONAPO.(2017). World food security is determined by the production methods of poor farmers and by the purchasing power of low-income consumers. Sufficient reasons above to explore any new technology such as Agricultural Mechatronics, Precision Agriculture, Precision Beekeeping, Precision Livestock, Automatization of agriculture with Arduino and Artificial Neural Network, in which artificial vision plays an important role for its application in the Mexican agriculture, increasing its productivity and to feed the population thus increasing the food security of our country. In México , the application of the artificial vision to agriculture is low.It does not have the dynamism that it is taking in other countries, it is necessary to promote it to increase the food security in the country.

From the economic liberalization there is numerous investment alternatives available in the market and the main aim this research paper is the know the respondents preferences over the investment alternatives which are already existed in the market, it depends upon the return and risk of the respondents and their risk appetite that they can choose out of the rest of the investment alternatives like, bank deposits, private bonds, shares, derivates, real estate, and gold. if we talk about the income every person in the world who have desire to have their regular income and for this instance they need to take part in the investments and bear the risk if any will occur during the tenure of the investment period as we know youth is the back bone of the new growing generation so we should develop such avenues to boost their interest over the investments so, the researcher has conducted the primary survey on 220 respondents  for this purpose to extract the youths real  preference towards the financial  investment.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of social media communication (firm

Created and user generated) on purchase intention through the mediation of brand image (hedonic

And functional), brand attitude, and brand equity. Two hundred followers of instagram of Samsung brand were surveyed. The hypotheses were tested using pls-sem, warppls 5.0 Program. The results show that user generated communication had a positive influence on Hedonic and functional brand image. Firm created communication had a positive influence only On functional brand image. Both hedonic and functional brand image had a positive influence on Brand attitude. Brand attitude had a positive influnece on brand equity. Both brand attitude and Brand equity had a positive influence on purchase intention.

Corporate Governance and Its Effects on Accountability and Financial Performance of Organisations

Dr. Cross Ogohi Daniel

Management and Economic Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 476-489

This research work has been conducted to find out significant relationships between corporate governance and financial performance of the selected banks in Nigeria. Corporate governance is the formal mechanism and the system by which management is held accountable to shareholders for its practices and policies. The independent variables of this study are corporate governance, accountability, organisations financial performance. This research therefore covers the selected two Diamond Banks in Garki and Nyanya, Abuja, Nigeria. The actual population of the study is two hundred and eighty one (281); simple size of 165 was obtained from the population at 5% error tolerance and 95% degree of freedom using Yamane’s statistical formula. 165(100%) of the questionnaires distributed, 160(96.9%) were returned and 5(3.1%) were not answered and returned. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and simple linear regression test was used to test the hypotheses.On the other hand, the emphasis on corporate governance today came as a result of the realization that corporate governance holds the key to the success and survival of a bank. Governments in both the developed and developing nations know that growth and success of commerce and industry depend on the effective financial intermediation role played by the banking sector.