
Authentication using Color & Session based Two-Level Security

Ashok Ahirvar

Mathematics and Computer Science Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 78-81

In this modern era of world everything is resides in a computer which require high level of security to protect that data. Now a day's many Authentication techniques are available to provide authentication to the data on a Network. Security can provide by using different type of passwords. Password can be textual password or Graphical Passwords which are having their drawbacks like many attacks can be possible on this type of password in order to break it i.e. eves dropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering, shoulder surfing, brute force attack. In this paper we are going to propose a system where we are using Text and Colors as password in order to Provide Security to the Application on internet.

Effect Of Multimedia Instructional Approach On Secondary School Students’ Achievement In Mathematics

Nwoke, Bright Ihechukwu Ph.D, Uzoma, Peter. O And Ugo Chima, Alvan Ikoku Federal

Mathematics and Computer Science Journal ,Volume 2022 , Page 82-91

The study investigated the effect of multimedia Instructional approach on secondary school students’ achievement in mathematics in Owerri Municipal Council of Imo State. Quasi-experimental research design was used for the study adopting the pre-test, post-test non-equivalent control type. The population of the study consist of 3,266 senior secondary school two (SS11) students in Owerri Municipal Council. A sample of 165 students from two randomly selected secondary schools was used for the study. In each of the two schools selected, two intact classes were randomly selected and assigned experiment or control groups respectively. Experiment group was taught mathematics using multimedia instructional approach while the control group was taught using conventional “chalk and talk” approach. The instrument used for data collection was a 30 item researcher made objective questions titled “Mathematics Achievement Test”(MAT). It had reliability coefficient of 0.85 determined through Person’s Product Moment Correlation coefficient method. The data generated was analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while ANCOVA was used to test hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that, Multimedia Instructional Approach enhanced students’ achievement in mathematics across gender and ability levels. Based on the findings, it was recommended that mathematics teachers should be trained on the use of multimedia instructional approach in teaching and learning at the secondary school levels.

AI and edge are two modern technologies that have changed the overall landscape of technologies through their integration in smart city, auto-mobile field, healthcare, industrial automation, etc. Edge computing collects and analyzes data as near to the source as possible, making it possible to get data in real-time, take minimal time in the processing cycle, and alleviate pressure on bandwidth. Nevertheless, the distributed and resource scarce paradigm in edges presents a variety of security and privacy issues to address. These are adversarial attacks, inference threats, malware attacks, and supply chain attacks among others. Similarly, data privacy regulations are still another area of interest when it comes to decentralizing an application architecture.

One of the emerging models to fashion out solutions to these problems is what is known as the zero-trust model which adopts the principle of never trusting and always verifying. Zero-trust does away with the chaotic approach of security where a few channels are deemed secure and protected with a strong firewall while the rest of the network operates with weak security measures, which leaves the network open to intrusions and subsequent data loss. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of security and privacy threat in AI Integrated edge computing identifying how zero trusted security models can be applied to mitigate the threats. Exploring important technical innovations including Federated learning for PRIVACY PRESERVING Artificial Intelligence, ENDE-TO-END ENCRYPTION for secure communication, ANOMALY DETECTION for real-time threat DETERRENCE.

To provide context to theoretical findings, this paper utilizes several industry-specific cases to analyze how zero-trust is applied to practical edge computing use cases. The results show that though the zero-trust provides enhanced security and privacy solutions, some barriers like size compatibility, and resource constraints require more development. Finally, the paper discusses the research implications in continuation of this paper and future research recommendations focusing on lightweight security mechanisms, explainability of AI, policy, and compliance and integration of zero-trust principles with global privacy laws. Thus, highlighting the need to protect the next generation AI-driven edge computing systems, this paper has established zero-trust architecture as indispensable.