

Chiejina EN*, Odira CC

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2017 , Page 01-07

Clients’ problems and the resultant nursing interventions, to some extent, influence the pattern of nursing documentation for the actions taken. This study examined the variations in nursing documentations with respect to clients’ diagnoses. The study was a retrospective research design. Judgemental and simple random sampling techniques were used to select documented nursing actions for 264 clients with ailments associated with medical, surgical, obstetric and infective diagnoses. The selection was from two tertiary, two secondary and two primary health care institutions in Anambra State of Nigeria. Two research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. Checklist on Nursing Documentation in the clinical setting was used for data collection. Frequency distribution, mean score and standard deviation (SD) were used to summarize the variables. Mean score, standard deviation and Pearson Product moment correlation were used to answer the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was adopted in testing the null hypotheses at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of significance respectively. The result revealed significant correlations between nursing documentation and timeless of the documentation as well as promotion of interdisciplinary communication. The result also indicated that nursing documentation significantly differ with clients’ diagnoses.

The Impact of Education on Knowledge and Attitude of Medical Students about the Abuse of Prescription Drugs in Iran

Mehdi Nobakht MD*, Abolfazl Ghoreishi MD*

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2017 , Page 12-16

Background: The abuse of prescription drugs is considered as an important
challenge for societies. Regarding many factors contributing to this challenge
and its negative impact especially on young and educated people, there is an
attempt in this paper to survey the impact of education on knowledge and
attitude of medical students about the abuse of prescription drugs.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study which was conducted on
medical students. Two groups of 53 medical students were selected as
participants for both intervention group and control group.These participants
were studied using the researcher-made questionnaires about knowledge and
attitude towardthe abuse of prescription drugs.
Results: Education plays a significant role in both raising the
students’awareness and changing their attitude about the abuse of
prescription drugs (p value < 0.0001). The age variable had a significant
relationship with pre-training knowledge. The female participants had less
pre-training knowledge about drug abuse (p value < 0.001) so that it was not
observed after intervention.
Conclusion: It is suggested that education can be considered as a strategy to
prevent drug abuse and reduce the demand for drug abuse by raising the
awareness and amending the attitudes as well as promoting the anticonsumption

Bacteria and Fungi in Medicine

Dr. SaherMahmoodJwad*

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2017 , Page 08-11

Bacteria grow when environmental conditions are favorable. If conditions are not suitable, growth occurs slowly or not at all, and death may even occur. Some factors that affect growth are water, food, oxygen, pH, and temperature. They grow in air, water, foods, and soil, as well as in plant and animal tissue. Any environment that can support life has its bacterial or fungal population.

Five School Days Successive 24 Hours Measurement of Physical Activity and Sleep of Four Years Old Children’s Attending Nursery School of Japan

Kazuko Kawano, Yumeka Seno, Shigenori Shirouzu, Shigenori Shirouzu, IEEE Member, Takeo Masakiand Hisanobu Sugano, IEEE Member

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2017 , Page 17-22

There are two quite different types of preschool, kindergarten and nursery school (NS), in Japan. Must have nap time etc., nursery school operation is strongly restricted by the government, and these restrictions are thought to decrease children’s physical activity (PA) at NS, increase late night PA, make sleep start time late and lower the quality of sleep. To overcome these weak points of NS, Yokohama Nazareth NS has been making many efforts to increase children’s PA at NS. We measured nursery schoolers’ PA and sleep behavior, and compared them with those of kindergarteners’ previously reported.

Silhouette of Nodal Tuberculosis at a Upkeep Centre A Review

Jyoti Priyadarshini Shrivastava*, PoonamWoike, LokeshTripathi, Rajesh Gaur, K.S Mangal

Journal of Medical Practice and Review ,Volume 2017 , Page 23-28

Lymphadenitis is the most common extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is considered to be the local manifestation of the systemic disease.A high index of suspicion is needed for the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis which is known to mimic a number of pathological conditions. Cytomorphology proves to be a valuable tool in diagnosing these cases. The aim of our study is to evaluate the utility and limitations of fine needle aspiration cytology and various cytomorphological presentations in reference to tuberculous lymphadenitis. In a study period fromJanuary 2010 – December 2014, 1188 superficiallymphnodes, were selected for FNA and subjected to cytological evaluation byGiemsastained smears. Incidence of tuberculous lymphadenitis was 54.95% (p value- 0.035). Cervical region was the commonest site of involvement with solitary lymphadenopathy as the most common presentation in contrast to matted lymph nodes as reported by others.Fine needle aspiration cytology is a safe, cheap, rapid out patient procedure requiring minimal instrumentation and is highly sensitive to diagnose tubercular lymphadenitis.