First Line Antihypertensive Drug Therapy and its Complications
Journal of Life Science and Biotechnology
Page 106-112
Hypertension using β adrenergic antagonist and Diuretic as first line therapy is associated with risk of NIDDM due to weight gain, Attenuation of the beta receptor mediated release of insulin from pancreatic beta cell, Decreased blood flow through the microcirculation in skeletal muscle tissue leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and impair insulin stimulated uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues
- Hypertension; β adrenergic antagonist; Diuretic; pancreatic beta cell; insulin
How to Cite
Goel RK, Balgir P, B. S. (2021). First Line Antihypertensive Drug Therapy and its Complications. Journal of Life Science and Biotechnology, 106–112. Retrieved from
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