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Welcome to the Journal of Life Science and Biotechnology, a prestigious platform dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the vibrant fields of life sciences and biotechnology. Our journal serves as a focal point for scientists, researchers, educators, and industry professionals to share their discoveries, exchange insights, and contribute to the ongoing progress of these dynamic disciplines. With a commitment to scientific rigor and innovation, we aim to cultivate an intellectual community that propels the frontiers of life sciences and biotechnology.

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Journal Info

Journal of Life Science and Biotechnology

ISSN : 2456-2661 View More

Call For Paper

Volume  2024

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Exploiting the therapeutic potential of secondary metabolites from Salvadora persica for diabetes using in silico and in vitro approach

Twinkle S. Bansode

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Research-Based Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary

Jerilou J. Moore, Ph.D.

Abstract PDF
Co-creation and consumer’s purchasing intentions, any value in B2B activities?

Firend Al R., PhD

Abstract PDF
Decreased Phosphorylated ERK 1/2 Related to GABA levels in Bipolar Disorder A Preliminary Report

A.J. Russo, PhD, Lakshmi Anubrolu

Abstract PDF

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To celebrate the recognition of direction evolution and highlight its significance for JMPR Journal, the journal calls for paper submissions to this special issue on Publication Ethics.

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