Introduction. Smoking is one of the most searched risk factor. One of the aspect more analyzed respect to smoking is the double impact over the economy like cause of income and spends. The active consumption of tobacco and cigarettes like main cause for the smoking existence carry to social and economical asymmetries because of smoking like socioeconomic inequity cause. Objective. To describe the main characteristic that identifies to smoking like cause of socioeconomic inequity. Materialsandmethods. Like teoricals methods were used the comparative, analysis and synthesis and the inductive deductive. Like empiric method was utilized the bibliographic research about smoking. Results. Were described two main forms of socioeconomic inequity because of smoking given by the socials costs because of smoking: in the assignation of resources for Public Health and in the social redistribution of economical resources. Conclusions. The socioeconomic inequity because of smoking given by the cost caused by smoking it evidence in two mains forms: in the assignation of resources to Public Health and in the social redistribution of economical resources because of labor productivity lose because of smoking.
How to Cite
Hernandez, F. (2019). The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking. Journal of Medical Practice and Review. Retrieved from
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