Mathematics Teachers’ Assessments Of The Impact Of Universal Basic Education Programme On The Implementation Of The 9-Year Basic Education Mathematics Curriculum
Mathematics and Computer Science Journal
Page 103-112
The study investigated mathematics teachers’ assessment of the impact of universal Basic education (UBE) programme goals on the implementation of the 9-year Basic education mathematics curriculum. Based on the purpose of the study, three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The population consisted of all mathematics primary school teachers in Owerri Educational Zone of Imo State. A sample of one hundred and fifty (150) mathematics primary school teachers was randomly drawn from two (2) local governments( 1 urban and 1 rural ) Areas. Researchers made four points modified likert-type of questionnaire titled MATA19EMC with reliability coefficient of 0.82 was used for data collection. The data generated were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Z-test statistical tools. The results of the study showed that irrespective of gender mathematics teachers at the basic educational level had positive assessment of the impact of universal Basic Education on teachers training and re-training and provision of instructional facilities/ instructional materials, poor assessment about the impact of UBE on provision of mathematics laboratory at the Basic educational level was recorded. It was recommended among others that mathematics laboratories should be provided in primary schools where mathematics teachers and pupils can use them to improve teaching and learning of mathematics.
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