Incipient acute phase in compartment syndrome of the lower limb, behavior and discussion
Journal of Medical Practice and Review
Page 745-749
Introduction. Compartment syndrome is described as a pathological entity that owes its origin to several causes, where all of them lead to an increase in internal pressure of an injured limb that has muscle groups divided by septa and facial that are less compliant than by increasing pressure due to above 30 mmHg leads to deep nerve and vessel compression. Presentation of the patient. We present a case of incipient acute compartment syndrome of the lower limb in a patient who ruptured the gastrocnemius muscles at the knee after practicing sports. With the aim of testing the validity of preventive follow-up and conservative treatment through a protocol in four stages, lasting one week, it was possible to verify that as the treatment progressed in stages, the symptoms and signs disappeared until a total solution was reached. .after completion of the treatment, surgical intervention not being necessary in said patient. Conclusions. Acute compartment syndrome in the incipient phase can be resolved with conservative treatment, avoiding surgical intervention, provided that an adequate treatment protocol is applied.
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