Discrimination of Level Walking, Stairway Ascending and Descending by Length and Direction of the Acceleration Vector
Journal of Medical Practice and Review
Page 58-62
Angle of inclination of the acceleration vector , an extension of the concept of the
azimuth angle to the acceleration due to the resultant force of the gravitational
acceleration and the human body in motion . Flat ground walking , the slope of the
acceleration vector obtained by measuring the riser and down stairs in a three-axis
acceleration sensor , an attempt was made to identify the length of the azimuth angle
and vector . Flat ground walking , the down and climbing the stairs , have found the
inclination angle of the acceleration vector , a characteristic pattern that can be
identification of these walking to the time change of the azimuth angle and length .
Compared with the flat land walking , during stair climbing range of changes in tilt
angle shifts toward the smaller value , during down stairs increased vector length .
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