About the Journal

JMPR invites original research and review articles not published/submitted for publications anywhere. The journal accepts review articles only if author (s) has included his/her own research work and is an authority in the particular field. Invited or submitted review articles on current medical research developments will also be included. Medical practitioners are encouraged to contribute interesting case reports. 

We publish innovative original research papers, review articles, case reports and short .communications dealing with medical science .

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Journal Info

Journal of Medical Practice and Review

ISSN : 2456-267X View More

Call For Paper

Volume  2024

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Recognizing and Responding to Pediatric Respiratory Distress: A Critical Call for Action

Sabira Arefin, Global Health Institute Research Team, Dr. Hussam Muhy Abady Al Alwany

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Exploring Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of the Role of Social Workers in Paediatric Hospitals at Al-Taif City

Bader Salem Alshehri, Khalid Mohammed Al-Roqi, Majed Hammad Alnemari, Rayed Maqbool Alsiyali, Abdullah Jaber Althoiby, Maed Saad Alharthy, Mohammed Ebrahim Al Kudidi

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Cord Blood Stem Cells: A New Hope for Treating Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Induced by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

David Leung, Ho-Chuen Leung, Chin-Fung Yeung

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Impact of Essential for Safety Requirement (ESR) on the Job Performance and Productivity of Healthcare Employees in Taif-Children's Hospital

Dr. Ahmad Ali Al-Ghamdi, Ph. Sabah A. Abrash, Joan Lagmay Jimenez, R.N., BSN, Ibrahim Awaif Al-Zahrani, Abdullah Mohammad Al-Shehri, Naif Saad Al-Juaid, Muneef Muslat Al-Otaibi, Mutlaq Zaid Al-Shareef, Rami Ramadan Al-Shehri, Laila Hamed Al-Thobaiti, Roaa Abdelrahman Badraldin, Aisha Mohammad Al-Juaid, Aziza Ahmad Al-Asmary

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